Manaakitanga Pencil

D&AD Manaakitanga Pencil

Our Chief Creative Officer, Raymond, with 20 years’ network and industry experience, was the target of anonymous racist comments on industry blogs when it was announced he was judging the prestigious 2023 D&AD Awards – a privilege that until recently was only offered to those who had already won a D&AD Pencil. D&AD however had identified the lack of diversity among previous winners and had cast the net wider to include a broader range of perspectives on what it means to be creative.

After a moment of self pity, Raymond shrugged off his disappointment and decided to turn the negativity into something positive.

The idea was to reciprocate the manaakitanga shown to him by D&AD when they invited him to judge and speak at the most prestigious design and advertising ceremony in the world. 'Manaakitanga' means to elevate another person or group’s prestige by showing them generous hospitality. D&AD would be the ultimate stage in the advertising game to show the industry just how indigenous creatives navigate this world.

Working alongside the wider RUN team, a carver and a wood craftsman, he created a bespoke version of the famous Pencil to award back to D&AD for their much welcomed efforts in diversifying the judging pool.

Crafted from native mataī wood, the hand carved Pencil features the Māori taratara ā Kae pattern most commonly used on pātaka kai (food storehouses) to symbolise a wealth of resources and hospitality. The alternating rauponga pattern represents whakapapa, a line of descent through generations, to symbolise RUN’s journey as well as the progress that has been made, and is yet to be made, in creating an inclusive industry.

D&AD thanked Raymond in a social post noting that it was the first ever Pencil gifted to the charity. It now sits on the front desk of their London offices as a reminder that it is manaakitanga and inclusion that makes our creativity communities stronger.



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