Zoom to Ruapehu

Visit Ruapehu

Visit Ruapehu needed a campaign to attract New Zealanders to the Ruapehu region as New Zealand moved down Covid-19 Alert Levels and out of nearly 3 months in lockdown. The campaign needed to stand out and cut through all the other areas trying to attract visitors, plus showcase a variety of different areas across the region. It needed to be authentic, real, genuine and not overdone, relating to the relaxed feel of the region. It also needed to communicate the key message ‘our greater outdoors’.

The brief from Visit Ruapehu was a strategic response to the global pandemic COVID-19 and the uncertainty that came with the lock down levels affecting New Zealand citizens from travelling internationally. Ultimately we had a solely internal tourism audience that were picking and choosing a holiday destination within the country, which meant that the competition had now increased.

With Visit Ruapehu being one of the lowest funded regional tourism offices they needed to appeal to people’s 3 months in captivity under the law of the New Zealand Government. The specifics of the brief were that it needed to live digitally but also be versatile enough to be produced across print, press, radio and billboards.



Recovery Campaign, Social, Activation, PR


Tourism New Zealand


Te Pito Whakatupu